
LibDemVoice is a 100% volunteer-run website, but it still costs money to run – about £120 a month simply to pay for the server which keeps the site up-and-running. A modest, regular donation is the best way of enabling us to plan our expenditure – but small, single gifts are also welcome (as are large ones!). If you would like to help in this way, we’d be very grateful.

We have three options available:


Direct Bank Transfer or Standing Order

We are happy to accept donations either on a one-off basis by direct bank transfer, or by regular standing order.

Please contact Alex Foster for more information, by emailing

Boring legal bit
Liberal Democrat Voice counts as a members’ association as all of the team are members of the Liberal Democrats. Therefore any donations we receive have to meet the same legal requirements as donations to a political party, and – if you’re very generous! – they will get published by the Electoral Commission.


Recent Comments

  • Martin Bennett
    Modern (post JS Mill) social Liberalism contends that liberty in terms of the maximisation of opportunities, of ways of thinking, of living and of creativity, t...
  • David Symonds
    This Mayor and Assembly have been in place since 2000 and it would be far better to go back to the old GLC model in place from 1965-86 as long as it is elected ...
  • Peter Martin
    I'm just wondering if this proposed law would have been legal under EU law or would it be deemed as an infringement to free trade? It's a genuine question BTW....
  • Peter Martin
    It's interesting to see that the recent anti-smoking bill causes such angst in a centrist party like the Lib Dems. We on the left don't have the same problem...
  • Richard
    Just checking expats logic here. He says it is right to ban an activity if participants in that activity cost the NHS more than average... and the example he gi...