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Recent Comments

  • Peter Martin
    @ Michael BG, I do accept that it wouldn't be possible to immediately switch away from the system of means tested benefits we have now. However, it should be...
  • Michael BG
    Peter Martin, In the article you provided a link to, Jules Birch states, ‘Pensions were paid in full from the start’. However, unemployment benefit w...
  • Michael BG
    We as a party I think are moving away from making things more expensive to change people’s behaviour as it affects the poorest in society the most. We should ...
  • Peter Martin
    @ Katharine, You're avoiding the uncomfortable reality that Beveridge was dead set against the principle that social benefits should be means tested. Yet th...
  • Tom Sutton
    Well said, Jack. We are the party of Beveridge but we absolutely have to live by it. I hope we become far less timid against Labour where they fail to deliver....